From the Editor

Greetings Writers! I’m Diana, Editor at SOUK.

Youth Voice is a platform for young people to be heard and feel involved in all aspects of their society.

Are you a keen thinker who wants to have their say on a key issue? Perhaps you enjoy spotting interesting new trends in culture and the arts, or have an unique viewpoint on something potentially topical? Then pitch to through our Online Form below.

I’m looking for a lively voice, original angles, and analysis-driven content that tackles topics with style, balance and maturity.

Do You Have An Article Idea You Want To Pitch?

What’s a pitch?

A pitch is a short, written summary of your main idea. It should present your argument and supporting sources in a nutshell.

Your idea needs to immediately grab my attention, so begin with a catchy title that reveals the angle.

Then, explain your unique angle in no more than 150 words.

That’s it!

Will I be paid?

SOUK believes in rewarding writers for their time and effort. As of 2020, articles that show excellence, journalistic flair and depth of understanding will be commissioned.

What we’re Looking For

As the leader on Political and Media Literacy work, we are especially keen on articles that focus on disinformation, misinformation, mal-information, conspiracy theories, Emerging Tech, Digital Trafficking, social media, Gen Z, extremism and counter extremism.

Positive News Reporting

The news doesn’t always have to be doom and gloom. As of 2023, SOUK is introducing Solutions Focused Journalism.

If you can report on the good being done in your community and beyond, or are aware of efforts being undertaken by individuals and / or professional organisations striving to solve local or global problems and better people’s lives, then let us know about it!

Free Speech is not Hate Speech

We believe in constructive debate backed by evidence and Free Speech principles. We will not tolerate or support Hate Speech masquerading as Free Speech. SOUK is an actively anti-Racist organisation that also subscribes to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of anti-Semitism, as such, we reserve the right to reject any content and/or pitches that breach either of those principles, is inaccurate or attempts to spread dis or misinformation.

A Word on the use of AI

SOUK supports AI-generated content when appropriate and used accurately. However, please be aware that we reserve the right to reject articles that show an overreliance on AI tools. In cases where we agree to commission such articles, the final commission rate will depend on the extent of AI-generated content. So, for example, if we determine that your article is 95 per cent AI-written, we will deduct 95 per cent from the final commission rate.

YES Please!

  • Entertaining ‘table-talk’ think-pieces
  • Features on topical subjects with new angles
  • Solutions Focused stories
  • Investigative stories
  • Lived experience stories and / or perspectives on topical subjects

NO Thanks!

  • Poetry /creative fiction /blog posts / essays
  • News stories recycled and summarised from the mainstream press
  • Abusive/poorly informed and inaccurate blog-style rants

Click here for further Article Guidelines and Submissions


    Your Full Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Date of Birth*

    Your Mobile Number*

    Want to join the SOUK Young Writers Whatsapp Group?*

    Which country are you based in?*

    Which region are you based in?*

    Whats your Twitter handle? e.g. @Shoutout_UK

    Whats your Instagram handle? e.g. @shoutoutuk_official

    Whats your TikTok handle? e.g. @shoutoutuk_official

    Whats your Facebook profile name? e.g. John Blogs

    Whats your ethnicity?

    Whats your gender?

    Your Pitch Title*

    Your Pitch! (Max. 150 words)*

    How did you find us? (e.g. Guardian, Twitter, Google search)

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