Why do students stress out?

Even though college is believed to be fun and carefree, this is not completely true. You are overwhelmed with homework, different projects, tests, exams, deadlines, and papers — not to mention being homesick and responsible for your adult life. Even though there are many excellent studybay reviews available, ready to provide young people with college help (just remember to check feedback on sites such as WritingPaperSucks), there are still many factors that make students stressed which in turn can cause real physical problems.

To avoid this situation and manage your stress in college, we have prepared some valuable tips.

A quick guide on handling stress in college

The funny thing is that students get stressed about getting a low score, but ironically, stress can also lead to lower academic performance. Even getting help with your work form a student service (follow this blog about paper writing services for an idea of whom to contact) won’t automatically remove stress. To really deal with stress you need to change your attitude and start caring more about your health. Colleges usually provide their students with in-person consultations and resources, but if they don`t, here are a few things you could change to decrease the amount of stress:

1. Find a quiet place

In college, students usually don’t have much privacy: they share a dorm room, classroom, and sometimes even bathroom, and this is usually a great change compared to the life they had at home. Everybody needs space, and when we don’t receive it, we get irritated and freak out. Find some quiet space where you can spend time alone or study. This can be a café, library or park — as long as it’s somewhere where you can be focused and relaxed.

2. Become more organized

To avoid missing deadlines and manage all your college assignments, you should create a schedule with reminders about important dates (this can be via a Google Calendar or special organization apps). Plan your week, dividing tasks equally and leaving some time for rest and sleep. If you stick to this schedule, you will never have to do homework late at night or freak out before an exam.

3. Do exercises

There are many articles explaining how sport impacts our mental wellbeing and why it is so beneficial. Even half an hour a day on a regular basis can transform you into a more healthy, relaxed, and focused person. Research has shown that one of the best ways to get rid of stress is to regularly visit the gym and sweat it out. This way, you’ll only be thinking about hitting the pillow rather than worrying excessively about this and that.

4. Spend time outdoors

If you can, try to have a walk regularly. You can combine this activity with listening to music or your favourite podcasts. What you do doesn’t really matter as long as you’re being active and outside. The more you walk, the more time you have to relax and put yourself together.

5. Do yoga

Yoga is a well-known method of deep relaxation. When you meditate, you get rid of all your negative thoughts, stress, and worries and fill your mind with positive energy that gives you a lift to help you achieve better results. Just twenty minutes of yoga a day can make you a more confident and less stressful person.

6. Eat well

Just like exercising, eating good food is closely connected to our mental health. Junk food, pizza, coke, and lots of coffee consumed during the day and at night time will only deplete your physical state and calmness of mind. To be less stressed, be aware of what goes into your stomach. Remember, your body is your temple.

7. Sleep more

One of the main factors making us angry, stressed, irritated and gloomy is fatigue caused by a lack of sleep. We know that it can be a challenge for young people to fall asleep by eleven in order to get enough rest, but sometimes you need to sacrifice a few parties for the sake of your health. Try not to study at night and not to use distracting technology like your smartphone or computer before bed.

8. Ask for support

In college it is essential to still receive support from your family and friends. Many young people feel homesick, so try calling your parents more often and share your fears and problems with them. Getting support and understanding from your loved ones is valuable and can help to significantly alleviate stress.

9. No overloading

Of course you should study hard to graduate with high scores and get the job you want. But will you still want this job if you’re mental and physical health are in pieces? Do as much as you can, but if you feel that you can`t do any more, don’t overload yourself with extra projects. Focus on the things you have to do and leave the rest as options.