The planet is changing. It’s getting warmer, and as this happens, we are changing too. We have to adapt our lifestyles and our habits to reduce carbon in the planet’s atmosphere and prevent runaway climate change that could threaten the ultimate existence of a habitable planet called Earth.

In this article, we look at some of the ways technology is helping us to adapt. Because of our high resource lifestyles and global economic structure, it is difficult for us to make the necessary changes needed to help the planet regain health. Thankfully, technology is developing fast, and we are choosing to embrace it.

Renewable energy

One of the biggest challenges facing the planet in our lifetime is the changing climate. Although the planet’s climate is known to fluctuate significantly over a period of time, studies show that since the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, human activities have caused the planet’s temperature to rise.

This rising temperature threatens the lives and livelihood of people living on the planet, as well as the planet’s existence as a habitable place. The best example is Venus, an earth-like planet that went through a process of rising temperatures followed by runaway climate change. After a certain tipping point, there is no going back.

That is why it is so important for us, as the younger generation, to address these problems and fight for the future — even if present problems have been caused primarily by our ancestors. If this all sounds a bit pessimistic, there is good news. Technology is advancing all the time, and it’s here to help.

There are now significant advances in renewable energy that allow more people to use it in their homes more cheaply. The advances in solar panels and other renewable sources of energy (such as geothermal and hydroelectricity) are now being used more by industries — one of the main environmental polluters.

The digital revolution

Every successive generation has a revolution of one kind or another. Some generations had political revolutions; others had industrial revolutions. Our generation is predominantly concerned with the digital revolution. This is the rise of technology and the influence it has over our lives, livelihoods and culture.

Most of us won’t remember a time when we didn’t have technology in our lives. We can’t recall a time when we didn’t have a smartphone or access to the Internet, though we have probably heard stories about those times from our parents. In the last few decades, it’s fair to say there has been a digital revolution.

This has pros and cons, like any dramatic and dynamic change to a culture. Opponents of the increasing use of technology will argue that it creates more separation in society, people no longer communicate in a healthy way, and it fosters a culture of introverted people. However, there are some strong counter-arguments as well.

In relation to the environment, the digital revolution had been a resounding success. More people using digital devices for communicating and storing information means that there is less reliance on paper, which reduces deforestation. Since trees are an important source of oxygen and also absorb carbon dioxide, this further reduces climate change.

Environmental monitoring

Climate change is undoubtedly the biggest challenge facing our generation and our children’s generation too. The planet is a system of delicate balances, and the damage done to it so far with rising levels of greenhouse gases threaten to tip it over the edge. Previous generations have been sleeping, and only now have we woken up.

Although we are now on to the problem and challenges of climate change, it is a complex situation that requires the latest technologies to assist. Climate change is not just one person’s problem or one country’s issue. Rather, it affects everyone equally, but we still need to identify the major polluters and hold them accountable.

That is where Environmental Monitoring comes in. Using new technologies like drones and geo-spatial measurements of air pollution, authorities can effectively monitor areas being impacted by individuals and corporations. Drones, such as the DJI Air 2S drone, can act as security cameras and cover vast areas — making sure no one is breaking the law.

These technologies are clearly crucial to the future and health of our planet. Even though most people now understand what’s at stake and are pulling in the same direction, there is no question that some rogue elements still exist and must be carefully monitored and held accountable.

The sharing economy

One of the most encouraging signs that we will navigate the threat of climate change, and find a new balance and a new harmony with the planet, is the way our human culture is changing and adapting. Younger generations are more conscious of the environment, of the need to protect animals, and the need to embrace digital technology.

Embracing digital technology is a huge part of creating a sharing economy and helping the planet to thrive. So what is the sharing economy exactly? It refers to the way products and services now use digital means to connect, transport, and deliver items to customers. It cuts down our reliance on fossil fuel and damaging practices.

Uber is an example of an element of the sharing economy. It makes it easiest for people to get around without a car at a reasonable cost, and so cuts down on air pollution. Airbnb is another element of the sharing economy; it allows homeowners and travellers to make use of neglected spaces.

There are many more examples of the sharing economy. Now that you know the concept, you should be able to identify what elements form part of it. You can also start to reflect on why these new practices are helpful to the planet. In most cases, it’s because they reduce transport in some way or protect the much-needed forests from destruction.

Electric cars

Electric cars have been around for decades, ever since the 1960s and 1970s, and probably before that too. It does make you wonder why these vehicles haven’t been in widespread use until now. They are much less harmful to the environment and less polluting. But the reason is an economic one. They were not wanted and not viable until now.

It’s easy to see why. Even nowadays, when electric vehicles have come so far, there are still doubts among the public about how reliable they are and about their range. It’s true that it’s taken some time for these electric vehicles to catch up with their gas-powered competition, but they have, and according to some analysts, they will overtake conventional vehicles in 2022.

This is great news for the environment. Electric vehicles are far less polluting than conventional ones that burn fissile fuel directly. However, electric vehicles are not as clean as you might think. To produce their electricity, we still need to burn fossil fuel in some places. Still, electric vehicles are far cleaner since they don’t have a tailpipe.

Although electric vehicles still burn some fissile fuel, the amount is much less overall than is the case with gas-powered cars. EVs also have the added benefit of using electricity supplied by renewable energy, so they have more options for clean power. As the batteries and the range of electric cars continue to develop, there will soon be no other reasonable option.

Smarter homes

As well as driving around in polluting cars and working in polluting offices and in polluting cities, we also live in polluting homes. That’s right, along with cars, our homes are one of the biggest polluters and causes of climate change. But how willing are those around you to give up those creature comforts, like a toasty radiator in the cold winter months?

We may not have to give up all the things that make our lives comfortable and enjoyable, but we will have to get smarter about what we use and how we use it. Technology can do this for us. Especially smart home technology that monitors our usage and detects patterns, so we can save energy.

When you can easily see how much energy you’ve used in a day, a week, or a month with specific habits and practices, it makes them easier to change. You become more conscious of where the light is left on and what rooms have the heating on when no one uses them. But smart home technology can also optimise your home.

In the future, we will live in homes that are fully personalised. This is called the Internet of things. Our homes will be ergonomically adapted to suit our particular lifestyles, habits and needs. It will not only be more convenient but also much better for the environment, as there will be a significant reduction in wasted energy and carbon emissions.


We live on a changing planet during uncertain times, but that doesn’t mean we should be pessimistic. On the contrary, there is lots of room for optimism. Although the planet’s atmosphere is currently choked with unsustainable quantities of carbon, it can be soaked up if we employ the right practices. Reducing carbon emissions from cars and through the sharing economy is just one of the ways we can work together for the greater good.