A new report indicates that young people in the UK are prepared to spend more this year on holidays abroad despite increased pressures on finances. The Youth Travel Insight Report also revealed that 41% of young travellers prefer to go to Europe. However, visiting the continent can become expensive depending on the country, region, and travel preferences. For those on a tight budget, it is still possible to go on a holiday without spending a fortune. Here are places where a student’s funds can go a long way.

Saranda, Albania for the Beaches and Archaeological Sites

The cost of living in Albania is one of the lowest in Europe making it an attractive destination for budget-conscious travellers. Hence, young people can enjoy the beauty and amenities of the country without making a huge dent in their wallets. The area is blessed with stunning beaches along the Ionia Sea, crystal clear waters, and scenic surroundings. Many of the beaches are public and visitors can access them without paying any entrance fees. Thus, travellers can easily pay for their sojourn because accommodation, activities, and food are reasonably priced. Visit the Blue Eye Spring surrounded by lush greenery, explore Lekursi Castle for its panoramic sea views, or head to the ancient city of Butrint for a treat of well-preserved ruins, theatre, basilica, and castle.

Tallinn, Estonia for Its Architectural Beauty, Cosmopolitan Vibe, and Coastline

As a European capital, Tallinn is relatively affordable making it an excellent choice for young visitors on a budget. Accommodation, food, and public transport are all reasonably-priced. The city’s old town is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Stroll through its well-preserved cobblestone streets, admire the medieval buildings and Gothic churches, and relax in its picturesque squares. Beyond the Old Town, be prepared for an impressive mix of architectural styles from Baroque and Rococo to Art Nouveau and Soviet-era structures. Don’t forget that the capital is also a modern and dynamic city with a thriving tech and startup scene. Museums, galleries, theatres and music venues abound attracting young crowds in addition to festivals and events that showcase the country’s rich artistic and cultural heritage. As a bonus, the city offers easy access to the beautiful beaches on the Baltic Sea Coast. It is also possible to explore the islands of Naissaar and Aegna which are just short ferry rides away.

Kotor, Montenegro for Nature, History, and Water Activities

The town is nestled in a stunning bay surrounded by breathtaking mountains. Nearby is the Lovcen National Park offering striking landscapes with rugged mountains, lush forests, and splendid viewpoints. Like Tallinn, Kotor’s Old Town is also a heritage site with narrow streets, historic buildings, and ancient walls. The bay and surrounding areas provide opportunities for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports which are often free or inexpensive activities. Festivals and cultural events are also held throughout the year for an insight into local traditions and affordable entertainment.

Young travellers with limited financial means can go on a European summer adventure without breaking the bank. Tallinn, Saranda, and Kotor are three destinations that offer sun, sea, history, and entertainment.