The Youth Policy Development Group (YPDG)
Shout Out UK has convened a Youth Policy Development Group (YPDG), responsible for representing and articulating the voice of England’s Youth to politicians at the highest levels of government, across all national decisions.
A Group of Policy-Making Specialists
As part of a diverse 40-member team, the YPDG devises extensive policy briefs on specific topics and presents these directly to government ministers.
Throughout the six-month process, they are guided and upskilled via monthly training sessions organised by Shout Out UK.
These sessions give the YPDG group the necessary skills to debate, create and present policy briefs to real-world policy-makers.
Hear what the YPDG member have got to say below!
Check out some of our YPDG members:
Providing Recommendations for Careers Education in Secondary School and College with the Department for Education
In November 2022, the YPDG examined access to careers education in schools, finding that 27% of young people aged 16-25 reported that lack of information was one of the main barriers to pursuing their career of choice and that only 50% of young people aged 16-25 had met with a career advisor in the past 12 months.*
UK Youth Employment joined us for the training session and presented some of the findings from the UK Youth Voice Census 2022. At the end of the month, the YPDG hosted a Roundtable Discussion with Susan Acland-Hood, Permanent Secretary at the Department for Education and Deborah McCann, Head of Careers Education for Young People.