east sussex

Project Outcomes:

  • Throughout the duration of the project we hosted three conferences held in different locations across East Sussex, as well as two separate sessions ran online with a total of 212 attendees across all events, we were able to generate a lively discussion, taking into account professional experiences with the content created by our education coordinators.
  • In our pre-programme survey 42.94% of participants either “Strongly disagreed”, “Disagreed”, or were “Neutral” concerning the statement “I feel confident discussing controversial issues with my young person” while 49.95% either “Strongly agreed” or “Agreed”.
  • Comparatively, in our post-programme survey, the number of attendees who either Strongly disagreed”, “Disagreed”, or “Somewhat disagreed” with the same statement fell to just 11%. On the other hand, of all the participants who responded to the statement, 90% either “Strongly agreed” or “Agreed”.
  • In our pre-programme survey, 18.81% of participants either “Strongly disagreed” or “Disagreed” with the statement “I recognise how social media algorithms increase the spread of mis/disinformation”.
  • In comparison, in our post-programme survey the number of participants who either “Strongly disagreed” or “Disagreed” with the statement “I recognise how social media and algorithms increase the spread of mis/disinformation” had dropped to 3%. In addition, the figure of attendees who “Strongly agreed” or “Agreed” with the statement rose to 72% in total.
  • In our pre-programme survey, 81.37% of participants responded with “Neutral”, “Disagreed” or “Strongly disagreed” with the statement “I know what steps to take to verify a source” while 18.6% either “Strongly agreed” or “Agreed.”
  • In our post-programme survey, the amount of students who either were “Neutral,” “Disagreed” or “Strongly disagreed” with the same statement totalled 7.29%. In contrast, the proportion of attendees who either “Strongly agreed” or “Agreed” with the statement increased to 92.71%

Quotes from attendees

“Very informative and the people were very knowledgeable.”

“I would like the information sent out so that I can study it in more depth. That will allow me to do group discussions in schools as much of this is very relevant to secondary aged young people. I took a lot from learning about Social Media Algorithms.”

“All 3 instructors clearly knew their content/topics inside out and it was great to hear from knowledgeable sources. All 3 were confident, engaging speakers and delivered really engaging sessions. Felt I was hanging on their every word, learnt loads and didn’t feel bored or disinterested for even a second. (Amazing 4 hours of sitting and listening)”

“This was very interesting and kept my attention! A lot to take in, but very useful”