The people doing the day-to-day work in a company are undoubtedly one of the most valuable resources you have at your disposal. They are responsible for how you operate, the number of sales you make, customer satisfaction and ultimately, growth. Therefore, finding the right people to work in your organisation is essential.

If people aren’t a good fit for your business and culture, you risk having high staff turnover, which can be costly and hinder growth. Read on to find out more about the importance of hiring the right people, as well as some tips to help you do this.

Why You Should Try to Find the Right People

As mentioned above, one of the primary reasons for finding someone that fits into your company culture is financial. It is almost inevitable that you will make a bad hire at some point, but you should do your best to avoid this as the associated cost is staggering. A bad hire of an employee on a salary of £42,000 could end up costing more than £132,000. So, finding the right person makes financial sense for businesses.

Additionally, a bad hire can cause issues with morale as they may not work in harmony with other team members. Ultimately, this can result in substantial decreases in productivity throughout an organisation.

Avoid Bias When Hiring

One way that you can improve your hiring process is to attempt to avoid unconscious biases. When we make decisions about prospective employees, our brain often tries to take shortcuts to make fewer choices overall. While this makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, it can often be a hindrance when hiring candidates.

This rapid decision-making can cause unconscious bias when recruiting. You might opt for someone because they remind you of another person you worked well with previously. Instead, you should try to move past these biases and hire the best candidate for the job with the relevant experience to help make your workplace diverse and successful.

Don’t Overlook Onboarding

As a new employee, your first day can be an exceptionally daunting experience. You are in a new environment with new colleagues, and it can quickly become overwhelming.

As an employer, you cannot expect your newly hired staff to know what is expected of them in their role. Therefore, you need to make an effort to get them on the same page as you as quickly as possible after they start. A good onboarding process will help new employees to feel welcome in your organisation and like they are part of the team.

Ensure They Fit Your Culture

A candidate who firmly fits into your company culture is likely one of the best options for you to hire. Staff members who identify with their organisation are much more likely to report higher satisfaction levels in their employment. When employees are happier, they tend to deliver more in their role, as they are committed to the company’s success as a whole.

However, this isn’t to say that all of your employees should be the same. You should strive for a diverse workforce, but all of them should also naturally fit into and understand the nuances within your organisation. This is critical for building an excellent culture within your business.

Consider Hiring Internally

When you are looking to expand a department of your business, it can often be a good idea to take an introspective look. Redeployment refers to the process of transferring an employee to a new role or department when their job is at risk of redundancy.

Rapid redeployment can be highly beneficial to both the business and the individual. It allows you to find a candidate who you know is a good fit for your company and its culture. If someone is already involved in your business, then they will undoubtedly already understand its goals and how it functions. This means you can find a good fit for a role from within the organisation without the associated costs of recruiting, hiring and onboarding an entirely new candidate.

The Takeaway

In summary, the importance of finding employees who fit into your company cannot be overstated. Not only is there a financial cost to hiring the wrong people, as staff turnover can be costly, but the impact on morale and productivity is also significant.

As a result, you should look to eliminate your subconscious biases when hiring new staff. This will help create a more diverse workplace with varied experiences and skillsets, which are essential for promoting healthy company culture. Additionally, you should make an effort to make new employees fit into the culture you have already established and make them feel welcome when they first arrive.

Considering the steps above during your next recruitment drive can allow you to choose candidates committed to their role and your company.