Homesickness for those who leave the nest to enhance their future is nothing new, and should not be hidden away. There are ways in which you can alleviate homesickness until you are fully settled into your new surroundings and found your feet and your confidence, as well as a supportive friend group.

Keep in touch

You must keep in touch with those from your hometown — friends and family alike. To feel more connected to them, consider video chatting on a regular basis rather than just contacting people by phone, text, or email.

Speaking to a loved one face-to-face makes all the miles in between seem like nothing at all, and with so many different services offering free video calls, you can quite literally spend all evening or all afternoon enjoying each other’s company without the stress of a huge bill at the end of it.

Look at your eating plan

You may think this is a bit silly, but when you are away from home for a long while, certain foods that you’ve grown up with can bring back fond memories. Eating a dish that your mom frequently makes will help make you feel that you’re not so far from home as you might think. It will also make your mealtimes feel a lot more normal. In fact, keeping the same routine you had at home can be very helpful, especially when you are trying to settle into new surroundings.

If at all possible, see if your mum will happily send you food packages. Alternatively, when you go for a visit, ask her for extra portions of food to take back to your dorm or lodgings so that you can enjoy them when you get back.

You may also feel that you need a nutritional boost after living off ‘convenience’ foods, so looking into supplements could help. Choosing a company, such as Vitaminology, to find the vitamins for you should be your next step. However, be sure to consult with your medical practitioner before taking any new pills or tablets.

Get socializing

There is nothing like making new friends and getting social to take the blues away. If you are starting out at university, you will find that most of your fellow students are feeling exactly the same way as you.

This may not seem like much in the way of consolation, but it means that they too are looking for new friendships and a way of socializing. Whether they do this to distract themselves from missing those they left behind, or simply because they are outgoing and full of confidence is another matter. So why not join them and find out how much you have in common. And beat that homesickness!