Starting and running your own successful business often means surrounding yourself with talented and trustworthy professionals whom you can delegate and outsource tasks to. While many small business owners wear a lot of hats and do a lot of things themselves, there’s only so much that one person can do.

In every business, there comes a time when certain tasks are best passed onto somebody who can do a better job so that you can get on with doing what you are best at. Whatever kind of small business you want to start, having the following professionals by your side can help you get better results, be more competitive, and accelerate your business growth.


You’re going to need somebody who is in charge of the business’s finances and bookkeeping. If you’re not experienced with accounting and don’t know where to start when it comes to keeping financial records, it’s highly recommended that you don’t try and do the accounting side of things yourself, as there’s so much room for very costly errors and mistakes. Even if you are taking advantage of small business accounting software, it’s well worth investing in the services of a professional accounting company.

If you want to get a feel for what an accountant could do for you, have a look at the website This site is home to some of the leading accountants in Cardiff, who are very experienced at working with small businesses. You can check out their services for small business page which will take you to some useful factsheets about each service. This includes keeping accurate financial records to submitting your business tax returns.

Web Designer:

While there are plenty of options out there that allow you to design your website on a platform like Wix or Shopify, nothing beats the sleek and professional finish of the work of a professional web designer. And, no matter what you offer, your business needs an online presence, and your website is going to be right at the heart of this. Web designers vary from people who can code your entire website from scratch to those who will build your site professionally for you using a DIY platform, which can be ideal if you want an option where you will be able to easily log into the back end of the website and make changes yourself in the future.

Finding a skilled web designer for your project is not daunting. The vibrant and competitive tech industry boasts a wealth of talented professionals and agencies specialising in various projects, including eCommerce development. You’ll have access to a diverse pool of experts well-versed in the latest web design trends and technologies. This way, you can confidently embark on your project knowing you’ll find an eCommerce developer who can bring your vision to life while meeting your unique business requirements.

Social Media Manager:

Posting to social media is a must these days. With thousands of businesses using social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, they are the best place to get in front of your audience all at once. Posting interesting content every day has never been more essential, but it’s also very time-consuming, and before you know it, it can easily take up half your day. Instead, invest in the services of a professional social media manager who can manage all your social media content, make sure that it is posted at the right times, and keep your profiles updated.


Even if you don’t plan to write an e-book or have a packed business blog, investing in the services of a copywriter is always a good move when you are starting your own business. A professional copywriter will be able to write the web copy for your business’ website and paint your business in the best light to generate more interest in your products and services. Having a freelance copywriter who you can turn to whenever you need any writing tasks completed is a great idea. You’ll only pay for what you need, and you’ll have quick access to well-written blog posts, sales emails, updates and more.

Graphic Designer:

When it comes to putting your visual brand together, a good graphic designer is going to be your best friend. First of all, you’re going to need an interesting and unique logo before you even launch your business, and a good graphic designer will work with you to make sure that your logo catches the interest of your audience and conveys what you do. It’s best to work with a graphic designer rather than hiring somebody as a one-off to create your logo because a graphic designer can do so much more. They will be able to design graphics for your website, social media posts, cover photos, and paper marketing materials, so this is a professional that you want to have a long-term working relationship with.

Customer Service Agent:

Your customers are right at the heart of your business, and without them, you wouldn’t be able to do what you do — so it’s a good idea to have some professional customer service agents on board. If you are in the early stages of your business and don’t have the budget to hire full-time customer service staff, you might want to consider hiring freelancers who can work from home to answer customer queries via web chat, email, or telephone, and take the bulk of the work off your hands. Opt for professionals who are dedicated to what they do and are ready to give the best impression of your brand when dealing with your customers.


Being found online is essential for any business today, so you will want a good SEO professional or agency by your side. Working with an SEO professional means that you will be able to give your business the best chance at hitting the top rankings in Google search results, and they will be able to go over your current online presence with you and give you advice on what to improve or remove.

Photographer and Videographer:

Finally, if you are starting an e-commerce business and are going to be selling products online, you will benefit from working with professional photographers and videographers. A good photographer will be able to take flattering pictures of your products that show off every angle for you to display on your product pages, and a videographer can take the shopping experience even further by providing high-quality videos of your products for customers to explore. e-commerce videos are becoming more and more popular. They can be very successful in driving sales since they give the customer the option of seeing the product in action.

Starting your own business isn’t often something that you can easily do all by yourself. Working with professional employees, freelancers, or other companies to whom you can delegate tasks is key to success.