The pandemic has wrought many changes in our world. Still, perhaps the most significant for those in business is the way it has altered our everyday interactions, both with colleges and with customers. Indeed, there has never before been such a drive to operate entirely online; something that also means plenty of new marketing-based opportunities — keep reading to find out what they are.

Get online

If you aren’t already prioritizing your business’ online presence, now is most definitely the time. Indeed, by offering your products and services online, you can reach a much larger audience and lower your operating costs to boot.

Another wonderful thing about primarily running your company online is it means you can automate elements of your marketing. Something that can help you to more effectively target your relevant demographic and provide them with the best customer experience possible.

Indeed, one of the biggest advantages of taking your business and marketing online is that you can use analytics for diving deeper into what is really working, as well as identify areas of your marketing campaigns where things are not quite going to plan. Something that means you can consistently use this feedback to improve your marketing offerings, so they delight customers and are as effective as possible.

Take advantage of social media

Social media is a hugely powerful tool when it comes to marketing. Not to mention that with fewer people in the office and more at home, the consumption of sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will only continue to rise. Of course, this means that any marketing strategy you have for the post-pandemic era needs to take advantage of this.

The good news is that setting up and running accounts for your business on social media is totally free. That’s not to say that you won’t want to invest at least some capital into your social media marketing.

Indeed there are several places you can spend some cash to maximize your results. One of these is to buy adverts on social media which will be targeted especially to the people you are looking to attract.

Additionally, you may want to invest a little money in having professional videos made and edited to post on your social media — something you can click here to find information about. Such videos also offer an excellent ROI and help to endear your brand to potential customers in a very powerful way.

Modify your marketing strategy for what is happening now

Most marketing departments have very carefully laid out calendars and strategies for the entire year. However, a great deal of this content may no longer be relevant to potential customers because of the pandemic and its effects. Indeed, by rigidly sticky to your marketing schedule, you may alienate and annoy customers rather than endear yourself to them.

With that in mind, it is much better to take a more flexible approach. It is particularly important to address any changes in the way that your business operates, post-pandemic, as well as any worries that your customers may have. Indeed, we have already seen car manufacturers take this route by offering job loss insurance as part of the deals on new cars, something that takes into consideration the main concerns of their target demographic and accounts for them.

There is no harm in asking your customers directly what their worries and issues are either. Surveys can be very helpful for this as can doing interviews with a representative sample of your demographic. The reason being that they can provide the insight you need to adjust your marketing strategy correctly for post-pandemic success.

Provide deals to your current customers

When it comes to marketing post-pandemic, it isn’t all about attracting new customers. It also makes sense to consider and pay attention to those that have been loyal to you throughout this difficult time and before.

Additionally, remember that there is usually a great deal less effort involved in getting a customer that has already had a good experience with your business to buy from you again — rather than attracting someone completely new.

In particular, one way to entice previous customers to buy again from you is to include deals and offers in your business marketing. After all, everyone likes to think they are getting a good deal, and if you can make a deal too good to pass up, then you will be on to a real winner.

One way you can offer deals to your customers is via promotional emails. Of course, a critical aspect of getting things right here is making sure users open the email in the first place. That means it’s vital that you include a sensational subject line that invites intrigue and further investigation. Asking a question can work well here, as can adding emojis, although many businesses find that lead with the massive % discount they are offering works well too.

Also, traditionally flyers may have been a good way to offer discounts to your customers. However, it is worth remembering that many people are much less likely to go into a shop in person, so making them compatible with online shipping by including a QR code is a much better approach for post-pandemic success.

Less can sometimes be more

Finally, when it comes to post-pandemic marketing success, remember that great quality content, connection, and communication over a few carefully chosen channels is far better than a mediocre attempt across all of them.

To that end, it is very important to identify which of your marketing channels is most used and applicable to your clients as they live their life now, in the post-pandemic world.

Indeed, what worked before may not be relevant now. And yes, you may have to change your tactics. However, the payoff should be such that it will be well-worth the time it takes to pivot and match what your customers need in their lives, right now in the post-pandemic world.