Images, pictures, photos, GIFs and infographics are common mediums to meet on different social media platforms. Yet, videos are found to be the most effective and working tools to capture your customers’ attention and engage them with your brand and product. Just imagine, social videos get 12 times more shares than such popular types of content as text and images combined.

This type of social media visual content continues to push boundaries with more and more marketers using it for building a brand; increasing customer engagement and loyalty; improving revenue, and so on. If you want to create stand-out video content, then this article with 6 tips is a must-read.

6 Tips for Creating Engaging and Effective Social Media Videos

So, if you’re going to add videos to your marketing strategy, then the following 6 tips are what you need to bear in mind. Just check them out to learn how to create engaging and captivating social media videos that get the most watches and shares.

1. Develop A Strategy

IF you want to make your video marketing successful then a good plan is a must. Objectives, ideation, audience research, budget allocation, schedule, and many other things are to be settled on at the very beginning and before any video creation. So, if you want to create effective videos, you need to:

Establish clear video marketing objectives

  • Boost brand awareness
  • Attract attention with a free youtube thumbnail template
  • Increase interest in the products/services
  • Improve customer engagement
  • Drive sales
  • Grow audience
  • Your variant

Define and research your audience

It’s impossible to make videos appealing without knowing for whom this content is created:

  • Learn your audience (who they are and why they need your product/service)
  • Create customer personas
  • Investigate your audience’s needs, wishes, and pains
  • Define the social media channels they prefer, and so on

Determine what types of videos you’re going to produce

Depending on your goals and your audience preferences, these can be:

  • Ads
  • Promos/Trailers
  • How-to, tutorial, or explainer videos
  • FAQs, or any other

Develop the video creative ideas

Be unique, find your own style, be creative, and always provide value to your customers in every video published.

2. Keep It Short, Clear, and Concise

Very few people will watch social media videos that are longer than 15 to 20 minutes. That’s why you should keep them bite-sized, easy-to-consume, informative, and valuable. Here are a few tips to help you create short and sweet videos that will appeal to your audience:

  • Keep only the most relevant and engaging information
  • Focus on the story
  • Keep it clear and concise (with all the parts like beginning, middle, and end included)

3. Capture Attention Immediately With: Colors, Thumbnail, Hook

You have only a few seconds to capture the attention of your viewers and engage them to watch the full video. Here are a few things to note for making captivating, stand-out video content:

  • Think about colour. It’s crucial to choose the colour palette that will support your brand and add an aesthetic to your social media accounts. Just look through the list of colours and pick the ones that are most suited to your company’s image. Remember the numbers of your chosen colours so you can apply them to all your other content in the future.
  • Use a great thumbnail. It’s highly important to make it eye-catching, creative, and informative so that your audience is interested and clicks on the content. So, create an image that best represents what your video is about to entice viewers.
  • Start with a hook. Grab attention in the first few seconds of your video with a solid hook. Ask a question, give interesting facts, share news, and so on.

4. Include Subtitles, Add Text Or Captions

If you still don’t know why you should do that, here are some statistics to mind:

  • 92% of consumers watch videos with the sound off
  • 50% rely on captions

Yes, it’s the very reason to add text, cautions, and/or subtitles to your social media videos and optimize them for silent viewing. Besides that, it’s a way to make the content more accessible for hearing-challenged users. From now on, make sure that your followers and viewers can get the main message even if the video is muted.

5. End With a Strong Call To Action

It’s really great if you manage to keep your viewers engaged and make them watch the video to the very end. But what’s next? What do you want your viewers to do after? Don’t make them guess but let them know it. Just add strong and clear CTA (call to action): watch more, share, like, click, subscribe, and so on. However, avoid making CTA too sales-focused, it should circle back to your business objectives and the campaign goals. Leave the viewers with your purpose, and just encourage visitors to act on what you want them to do.

6. Optimize for Different Channels and Cross-Promote Your Social Media Videos

When using several different social media platforms, it’s crucial to optimize your videos for each channel as they have different requirements. So, take notice of the right dimensions, orientation, length limits, and other important settings and specs before posting a video. Leverage not only the social aspect of social media but also any partnerships your brand already has to give the video a boost in traction and viewership — cross-promote your videos.


Social media is a great way to reach your audience and videos are the best approach to captivate and engage them with your brand and product. By following these easy 6 tips, you can:

    • Grow your audience
    • Drive business results
    • Improve customer engagement
    • Build brand loyalty
    • Maximize your brand presence
    • Increase revenue